Sunday, November 13, 2016

Trying to intimidate Wellesley Students!

These Babson College frat bros messed with the wrong Wellesley women of color – because we fought back

After a night that can only be described as a horrific emotional roller coaster, Wellesley students awoke to the first day of Trump. This is what went down.

After a night that can only be described as a horrific emotional roller coaster, Wellesley College students awoke to the first day of Trump. At approximately 1pm a large truck drove slowly through campus with a Trump flag flying off its back, harassing students. The two men in the truck went to the house for students of African descent, rode around campus yelling at students, and spit towards a student when asked to leave. The two men turned out to be Edward Tomasso and Parker Rander-Riccardi, students at Babson College, a neighboring college. 
How were we able to ID them? Well, that's the key to surviving in Trump's America. CLICK TO TWEET
These men have been called out on social media, in a post by a Wellesley student that has gone viral. How were we able to identify them? Well, that’s the golden question and the key to surviving in Trump’s America. Wellesley students, current and former, mobilized around the country. Students looked up their license plate and found one identity, which led to finding the other. 
They tried to make us feel unsafe. CLICK TO TWEET
These men came to our campus. They sought us out. They came to our space in a purposeful effort to make us feel unsafe. But we found them.
We found their gloating snapchat.
We found them and made it public. Made them public. We called their employers, the national board of their frat, their class dean. We made it clear that this is unacceptable behavior. Their college, their peers made it clear that they do not stand for racism.
We’ve seen stories from around the country of women being beaten and their hijabs being torn off, of students yelling racial slurs at each other across the nation, and people literally heiling Hitler. But here’s what’s important to remember – this is not Trump’s America, this is our America. The majority of our country did not vote for Trump. The majority of our country is not white supremacist (but far too many are). 

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